Routine pet wellness care can seem costly or unnecessary when pets appear healthy. However, an annual veterinary visit is crucial to help your pet stay that way. Proactive veterinary care is your furry pal’s best defense against common diseases and conditions that impact longevity and quality of life. The Memorial Animal Hospital team shares how each recommended preventive care service protects pet health. 

Pet wellness visits

Regular veterinary visits are the cornerstone of pet wellness care. During these visits, our veterinary team conducts a thorough physical examination, looking for signs of early health issues, so they can intervene to prevent disease development. We also use these visits to develop customized pet wellness care recommendations and schedules based on exam findings, age, breed, lifestyle, and health history. Diagnostic screening tests, including blood work and urinalysis, may assist in disease detection and prevention.

Pet vaccinations

Vaccinations are one of the easiest pet wellness care strategies to prevent common and deadly pet health conditions. Each vaccine protects against one or more harmful organisms by priming the immune system to recognize and attack them efficiently should your pet be exposed. We recommend vaccinating pets against these common diseases:

  • Rabies — Rabies is a fatal virus that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. Rabies vaccination is required by law in most states and jurisdictions. 
  • Distemper — This highly contagious and often fatal virus affects a dog’s respiratory, gastrointestinal (GI), and nervous systems. Distemper is a core vaccination for dogs.
  • Parvovirus — This highly contagious virus attacks a dog’s GI and immune systems. Without intensive treatment, many affected pets die. Early vaccination is essential, as puppies are particularly susceptible.
  • Feline panleukopenia — This feline virus acts similarly to parvovirus in dogs, attacking the GI and immune systems, and often leading to death. Panleukopenia is a core feline vaccine. 
  • Feline leukemia virus — FeLV suppresses the immune system, causing increased susceptibility to inflammatory, infectious, and cancerous disorders, and often leads to a shortened lifespan. Vaccination should begin in kittenhood to protect against FeLV.

Pet parasite control

Parasites can cause a variety of health problems in pets, many of which are preventable with routine pet wellness care. Some common parasites and their diseases include:

  • Heartworm disease — Transmitted by mosquitoes, heartworm disease can be fatal. Heartworms reside in the large heart and lung blood vessels, causing inflammation and irreversible damage. Annual heartworm blood testing and monthly preventive medication can protect your pet.
  • Flea and tick-borne diseases — External parasites can transmit many serious diseases, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, cat scratch fever, and the plague. Monthly, year-round flea and tick preventive use keeps parasitic pests at bay and protects your pet from related diseases.
  • Intestinal parasite infestations — Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and Giardia are common intestinal parasites that cause a range of potential health issues, from mild digestive upset to anemia or chronic diarrhea. Annual fecal parasite exams, deworming, and preventive medications keep intestinal parasites in check.

Pet dental care

Dental disease affects nearly all pets and, left untreated, can lead to serious health issues, including systemic bacterial infections that damage the heart, liver, or kidneys. Additionally, dental disease causes pain, tooth loss, difficulty eating, and reduced quality of life. Routine dental exams, professional anesthetized cleanings, and at-home dental care are necessary to prevent periodontal disease and its complications.

Pet weight management

Obesity is a growing problem that puts pets at increased risk for certain health issues, including diabetes, arthritis, breathing disorders, and cancer. Routine pet weight, exercise, and nutrition assessments can guide our team in preventing or reducing the risk of these weight-related disorders.

Routine pet wellness care is key to maximizing your furry pal’s health and longevity. As the old saying goes: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Contact our Memorial Animal Hospital team to schedule your pet’s next check-up or to learn more about our preventive care and life stage recommendations.